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20 Interesting facts about Statue of Unity

Let us look at some of the interesting, amazing and omg facts about the Statue of Unity #1) This is obvious, Statue of unity is the tallest statue in the world. The height of the statue of unity is 182 m . This is 29 meters taller than the second-highest statue, Spring Buddha of China, whose height is 153 meters. #2) It is located on the Narmada river and you can see the river, the Sardar Sarovar Dam and the picturesque the Vindhyachal mountains. #3) Statue of Unity is one among very few man-made things visible from space. #4) The cost to make this statue is Rs 2,989 crores . #5) Approximately 3000 workers and 250 engineers from L&T worked on it. #6) It is estimated that the Statue of Unity would turn green in color in about 100 years. This is natural and happens due to oxidation. Statue of Liberty turned green in approximately 30 years. #7) Two High-speed elevators are installed in the statue of unity. Each can carry a maximum of 26 people and can reach the viewing gallery at 13